By providing a WiFi Service at your park you are allowing guests to remain connected whilst they are away. Updating their social media of where they are staying is a great way to get more people to engage with your park online!
More Customers Onsite
The general public view WiFi as the fourth amenity. Following on from Gas, Electricity and Water, Wifi is now a necessity that holidaymakers expect to be onsite for when they arrive.
Extra Revenue Stream
Offering a paid network to your Customers means an extra Revenue Stream for you and your business. We all understand that providing a service always comes at a cost, but this way you are able to relax knowing that your system is paying for itself.
Extra Marketing Opportunities
Providing a secure Network Portal also brings some great Marketing opportunities. Capturing Data under GDPR Legislation and being able to advertise your Club House deals on the portal captures your guest’s attention immediately!
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If you want to discuss with us further how ClubWifi can transform your Park into the modern day then give us a call on 01626 270140 or use our online contact form – we’d love to hear from you!