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Amazon Fire TV Stick

3 min read


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1.0 – Updating your Amazon Fire Tv Stick #

For best performance of your Amazon Fire TV Stick you will need to ensure it is on the latest software available. You can do this using the below guide:

1.1 – Go to settings

1.2 – Navigate right to ‘My Fire TV ‘. On some older Fire TV Sticks this may be listed as Device or System

1.3 – Choose ‘About’

1.4 – Once selected there should be a ‘Check for Updates’ Or ‘Install Update’ option.

1.5 – If there is an update available, press the select button on your remote and it will install the update.Return to Main Menu

Return to Main Menu

2.0 – Your Amazon Fire TV Stick MAC Address #

2.1 – Go to settings

2.2 – Navigate right to ‘My Fire TV ‘. On some older Fire TV Sticks this may be listed as Device or System

2.3 – Choose ‘About’

2.4 – Scroll to Network and the MAC Address (Wi-Fi) will show on the right

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3.0 – Rebooting your Amazon Fire TV Stick #

3.1 – Restarting via the Fire TV Stick #

3.1.1 – Go to settings

3.1.2 – Navigate right to ‘My Fire TV ‘. On some older Fire TV Sticks this may be listed as Device or System

3.1.3 – Choose ‘Restart’

3.2 – Restarting with your Fire TV Stick Remote #

3.2.1 – Hold down the select & Play/Pause button and the Fire TV Stick will reboot.

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4.0 – Connecting to a ClubWifi Network on your Amazon Fire TV Stick #

As we run both paid to access networks as well as free networks this will vary how you connect your Firestick.

4.1 – Connecting to a Free Network #

4.1.1 – Go to Settings on your Firestick:

4.1.2 – Select Network

4.1.3 – Select the network you would like to connect to. This will be ‘CLUBWIFI_Park Name’

4.1.4 – Enter the password for your Wi-Fi network, Reception should be able to provide this for you. Once input then select Connect.

4.1.5 – You should now be connected to the wifi network.

4.2 – Connecting to a paid to access network. #

4.2.1 – To begin the process you will need to have purchased a wifi account at the park and have the MAC address for your Firestick. We have a guide for finding this here.

4.2.2 – Once you have the MAC address you need to visit the account portal here

4.2.3 – Select the ‘Select your park’ button and then select where you are staying on the left hand pop out.

4.2.4 – You will then be presented with the login screen for the network. Here you need to log in with your email and password you used to purchase the wifi with.

4.2.5 – Once you have logged in you will see your current subscribed packages and your device list.

4.2.6 – In the device section select ‘+ Add Device’

4.2.7 – A pop up will come up asking you to add your MAC address. Type it into the boxes and then select ‘Confirm’

4.2.8 – Once confirmed the device will be added to your devices list and will now be approved on the network.

4.2.9 – Now on your Firestick go to settings

4.2.10 – Select Network

4.2.11 – Select the network you would like to connect to. This will be ‘CLUBWIFI_Park Name’

4.2.12 – Once selected you will be connected to the network and able to use your Firestick.

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